22 February 2010

RH Surface Area values 01

This rhinoscript code returns area values from an array of surfaces into Annotation Dot and Text Labels. Sum of the area values will be the next step...tbc

Option Explicit
'Script written by Davide del Giudice
'Script copyrighted by Co-de-iT www.co-de-it.com
'Script version Sunday, 21 February 2010 20:40:21

Call returnArea()
Sub returnArea()

Dim arrObj,strObj,arrMP,arrtemp,strtext
Dim arrPt

arrObj= Rhino.GetObjects("input surfaces",8)

For Each strObj In arrObj
arrtemp=Rhino.SurfaceAreaCentroid (strObj)
rhino.AddPoint arrpt
arrMP=Rhino.SurfaceArea (strObj)
'use INT for integer rounding

Rhino.AddTextDot "Area"& "_"& int(arrMP(0))&"mq", arrpt
'Rhino.AddText "Area"& "_"& int(arrMP(0))&"mq", arrPt,2
rhino.HideObjects arrobj

strtext=Rhino.Sum (array(arrMP(0)))
MsgBox "last: " & int(strtext)&"mq"

End Sub

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